Advanta’s Skilled Research & Design Duo.

In the dynamic world of commercial seating, where form meets function and aesthetics merge with comfort, the role of a talented designers becomes paramount. These creative minds work in harmony to create seating solutions that not only elevate the aesthetics of a space but also enhance its functionality.

The duo behind our Research and Development team at Advanta are our General Manager of Innovation and Design – Andy Craddock and Product Design Manager Andre Luo.

Andy is also a Director of the family owned company and has been involved in over 20 years of designing and selecting products for Advanta.  Andre joined Advanta in 2022 and is now an integral part of the design team. 

For every Advanta product, whether it is designed in house or sourced from a supplier, it has involved the following process;

Conceptualisation and Ideation:

  • Brainstorming and conceptualising. They analyse market trends, client preferences, and ergonomic requirements to form a vision for our seating products.  They collaborate to generate fresh ideas, drawing inspiration from various sources. This brainstorming phase is critical in shaping the design direction.

Sketching and Prototyping:

  • Once they have a clear concept in mind, Andre is the mastermind behind initial sketches and digital designs. These sketches serve as the blueprint for the project.
  • Prototyping comes next. They create physical prototypes or request samples to test the feasibility of their designs, ensuring that they meet comfort and safety standards. This iterative process helps them refine their ideas.

Material Selection:

  • One of the crucial responsibilities is then selecting materials that align with the design vision while also meeting durability and sustainability criteria. The design team must balance aesthetics with functionality.
  • They explore a wide range of materials, from fabrics and leathers to metals and woods, seeking the perfect combination that will bring their designs to life.

Ergonomics and Comfort:

  • Commercial seating must provide comfort for users who may spend extended periods sitting. The design team works closely with ergonomic in mind to ensure that their creations provide optimal support and posture alignment.
  • They consider factors such as seat height, backrest angle, cushioning, and lumbar support, striving to create seating solutions that promote well-being.

Sustainable Design:

  • In an era of increasing environmental consciousness, sustainability is a growing concern. The design team must consider eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes to reduce the environmental footprint of their products.
  • Responsible design practices are integrated into their responsibilities, ensuring that the company contributes positively to sustainability efforts.

Collaboration with Manufacturing Teams:

  • Collaboration is key. The design team works closely with our manufacturing teams to ensure that their vision is accurately translated into the final product.
  • They provide detailed specifications, offer guidance during the production process, and oversee quality control to maintain the integrity of their designs.

Keeping Up with Trends:

  • The world of commercial seating is ever-evolving. The design team must stay updated on industry trends, emerging technologies, and customer preferences.
  • They adapt their designs to reflect changing market dynamics, ensuring that their company remains competitive.

The responsibilities of our Research and Development team duo in the realm of commercial seating are multifaceted and demanding. They blend artistic creativity with technical expertise, bringing to life seating solutions that shape the environments in which we work. Their role is not merely functional; it’s an art form that influences our daily experiences.

In the hands of a skilled design team, commercial seating becomes a work of art that marries form and function seamlessly.



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