The aim of the Pre-Employment Medical (PEM) Questionnaire is to ensure that applicant’s physical and other related abilities are matched to the medical and fitness standards for the particular duties of a job.
Pre-Employment Medical Questionnaires (PEM’s) are necessary to determine that:

  • There is not risk of aggravating a pre-existing medical condition
  • The applicant is able to productively carry out the duties of the position safely
  • The applicant should not, because of a medical condition, increase risk to other workers, equipment, products or the general public.

The Pre-Employment Questionnaire is treated as a confidential document and access is limited to a ‘need to know’ basis. In the event of you being employed, Advanta Commercial Furniture will retain this form on a confidential file and reserve the right to refer to the information in the event of an accident, sickness, injury or claim for worker’s compensation. The information may also be used for other purposes, if so required by law.

To assist Advanta Commercial Furniture in assessing your medical fitness for employment, you must answer the questions contained in this questionnaire truthfully and to the best of your knowledge.

Failure to disclose any relevant matter relating to your health may result in your not being employed by the employer or, if already employed by the employer, your employment may be affected and rights to workplace compensation compromised.



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